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Simple Hypnotherapy

Your leading simple hypnotherapy provider in the UK


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BEST Simple Hypnotherapy IN THE UK

Welcome to Simple Hypnotherapy, your leading hypnotherapy provider in the UK. You’ve come to the right place if you’re curious regarding hypnotherapy and its benefits.

In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of hypnotherapy, including how our hypnosis sessions work, the costs involved, and the different types of hypnotherapy we offer, such as anxiety relief, weight loss, and smoking cessation.

Discover the multiple benefits of hypnotherapy, what to expect during a session, and why choosing us means receiving a personalised and effective approach to achieving your goals.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that utilises the power of post-hypnotic suggestions to access the subconscious mind, targeting psychological processes and using the brain’s innate potential for healing and transformation.

This therapy method involves guiding individuals into deep relaxation, where their focus is directed inward, allowing the hypnotherapist to communicate directly with the subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy can profoundly influence thought patterns, behaviours, and emotions by tapping into this part of the mind.

The suggestions provided during hypnotherapy sessions work to reframe negative beliefs, instil positive affirmations, and promote behavioural changes that align with the client’s therapeutic goals. Through this process, individuals can experience important improvements in their psychological well-being.

How Does Our Hypnotherapy Work

Our hypnotherapy sessions are designed to enable you through self-hypnosis techniques, allowing you to take control of your mental and physical well-being in a safe and supportive environment.

During these sessions, our skilled hypnotherapist guides you into deep relaxation, where your subconscious mind becomes receptive to positive suggestions, helping you address the root causes of issues. We provide self-hypnosis training for you to practice independently, reinforcing the progress made in sessions. By incorporating consistent self-hypnosis practices into your routine, you can enhance the benefits of the therapeutic work done in our sessions, enabling you to shape your well-being actively.

Our Simple Hypnotherapy Costs

At Simple Hypnotherapy, we offer professional hypnotherapy services customised to your exact needs, ensuring effective treatment at transparent and competitive costs delivered by our qualified therapists.

When considering the cost structure of hypnotherapy services at Simple Hypnotherapy, clients can expect a clear breakdown that aligns with the high value of treatment received. The pricing reflects the expertise and specialisation of our therapists, who hold recognised qualifications and have undergone comprehensive training in hypnotherapy.

Value is fundamental in our approach, ensuring clients receive top-notch care without compromising affordability. The fee structure is designed to make this beneficial therapy accessible to those seeking genuine healing and positive change.

Our Types of Hypnotherapy Available

Simple Hypnotherapy offers a range of specialised hypnotherapy services to address various needs, including anxiety relief hypnotherapy, weight loss hypnotherapy, and smoking cessation hypnotherapy.

These services are designed to help individuals overcome their challenges and make positive life changes.

  • Anxiety relief hypnotherapy aims to reduce stress and promote relaxation through deep hypnotic induction, offering a sense of calmness and control.
  • Weight loss hypnotherapy focuses on changing unhealthy eating habits and promoting a healthier lifestyle through subconscious reprogramming.
  • Smoking cessation hypnotherapy targets the root causes of the addiction, helping individuals break free from the habit for good.

Anxiety Relief Hypnotherapy

Our Anxiety Relief Hypnotherapy is designed to provide a calming and relaxing experience, focusing on mental well-being and alleviating symptoms of anxiety to promote inner peace and tranquillity.

Through hypnotherapy, individuals can access their subconscious minds, allowing for deep-rooted fears and anxieties to be addressed at the core. By guiding the mind into heightened suggestibility, hypnotherapy enables profound relaxation, releasing tension and stress accumulated over time.

Techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery are often utilised during sessions to promote mental clarity and mindfulness. These methods encourage the body and mind to unwind, fostering a sense of calmness and restoring balance within.

Weight Loss Hypnotherapy

Our Weight Loss Hypnotherapy programme aims to facilitate healthy habits and positive changes in physical well-being, enabling individuals to achieve sustainable weight management goals through effective hypnotherapy techniques.

By tapping into the power of the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy can help individuals address underlying issues that may be hindering their weight loss efforts.

Our programme reprograms negative thought patterns and behaviours through personalised sessions, promoting a healthier relationship with food and exercise. As clients relax into heightened suggestibility, our skilled hypnotherapists guide them to adopting new, positive habits that contribute to long-term success.

Smoking Cessation Hypnotherapy

Our Smoking Cessation Hypnotherapy programme is dedicated to supporting individuals in quitting smoking, focusing on progress monitoring and minimising side effects through personalised hypnotherapy interventions.

Emphasising a holistic approach, Smoking Cessation Hypnotherapy combines cognitive-behavioural techniques and deep relaxation to help individuals break free from tobacco addiction. By utilising techniques like guided imagery and positive suggestions, this programme aims to rewire subconscious patterns associated with smoking behaviour. Progress tracking plays a important role in evaluating the effectiveness of the interventions, allowing for adjustments to be made as needed to ensure successful outcomes. By addressing potential side effects such as cravings and withdrawal symptoms, individuals can navigate the world of quitting smoking with greater ease and confidence.

Benefits of Our Simple Hypnotherapy

Experience a range of benefits from our simple hypnotherapy services, including improved emotional well-being, enhanced self-confidence, stress reduction, and positive behaviour change to enable you to overcome challenges and achieve your goals.

By focusing on your emotional well-being, Simple Hypnotherapy’s services aim to create a sense of inner peace and balance, helping you navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and resilience. Improving self-confidence through hypnotherapy sessions can transform how you perceive yourself, fostering a strong sense of self-worth and assertiveness.

The stress reduction techniques incorporated in our hypnotherapy sessions can equip you with effective coping mechanisms to manage daily pressures and anxieties, promoting a calmer and more-centred state of mind.

Improved emotional well-being

Our Simple hypnotherapy have techniques to enhance emotional well-being, instilling positivity and resilience to help individuals tackle challenges and navigate life’s ups and downs with greater stability and composure.

Hypnotherapy is pivotal in fostering a deep sense of inner strength and enablement, allowing individuals to develop a more positive outlook on life and a heightened capacity to cope with stressors.

  • By utilising advanced hypnotic techniques, hypnotherapy enables individuals to explore and address underlying emotional issues, promoting a sense of inner peace and emotional balance.
  • Through sessions that focus on enhancing self-awareness and personal growth, hypnotherapy supports individuals in building resilience and emotional agility, equipping them with the tools needed to overcome obstacles and confidently welcome life’s challenges.

Enhanced self-confidence and self-esteem

Our simple hypnotherapy programmes are designed to boost self-confidence and self-esteem, enabling individuals to embrace their special qualities and strengths fostering a sense of enablement and self-assurance.

Hypnotherapy functions as a powerful tool to delve into one’s subconscious mind, unearthing limiting beliefs and reprogramming thought patterns that hinder self-assurance and self-acceptance. By tapping into the depths of the psyche, individuals can address deep-rooted issues, paving the way for profound personal growth and self-improvement.

This beneficial process instils a newfound sense of self-belief and self-worth, allowing individuals to navigate challenges confidently and resiliently. Through hypnotherapy, one can develop a positive self-image, leading to enhanced self-esteem and an overall upliftment in mental well-being.

Stress reduction and relaxation

Our stress reduction and relaxation hypnotherapy sessions are prepared to alleviate tension and promote mental well-being, offering a sanctuary of calmness and rejuvenation to enhance overall health and vitality.

Through guided imagery and serious relaxation techniques, individuals are guided into a hypnotic state of profound calmness, where stressors are gently addressed and released. Hypnotherapy assists in rewiring the mind’s response to stress triggers, enabling a more balanced and resilient approach to daily challenges. By tapping into the power of the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy enables individuals to develop a sense of inner peace and mental clarity.

Hypnotherapy aids in regulating cortisol levels, the hormone associated with stress, thereby contributing to improved cognitive function and emotional stability. This holistic approach promotes relaxation and enhances mental vitality, fostering a more serious sense of well-being and overall health.

Positive behaviour change and habit formation

Our simple hypnotherapy interventions foster positive behaviour change and habit formation, enabling individuals to align their actions with their goals and aspirations, paving the way for sustainable personal growth and success.

Through the gentle power of hypnosis, individuals can tap into their subconscious mind to uncover and address the root causes of their behaviours, allowing for profound shifts in mindset and perspective. This deeper understanding often leads to a greater sense of self-awareness and enablement, aiding in cultivating healthier habits and behaviours. Hypnotherapy provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals to explore and modify their thought patterns, eventually facilitating lasting changes that support their personal development.

Greater control over thoughts and emotions

Our simple hypnotherapy approach enables individuals with greater control over their thoughts and emotions, equipping them with effective strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and other challenges, fostering mental clarity and emotional well-being.

Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool in helping individuals navigate the complexness of their minds and emotions. By diving into the subconscious, hypnotherapy enables individuals to reframe negative thought patterns and develop healthier coping mechanisms. This process not only assists in reducing stress levels but also produces a sense of inner peace and resilience. Hypnotherapy sessions promote relaxation and promote mental focus, allowing individuals to attain a state of heightened awareness and control over their emotional responses.

Empowerment to overcome challenges and achieve goals

Our simple hypnotherapy sessions enable individuals to overcome challenges and achieve their goals, fostering a mindset of resilience, determination, and achievement to unlock their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.

By diving into the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy taps into one’s inner strength and innate abilities, enabling individuals to break free from limiting beliefs and self-doubt. The power of suggestion and visualisation reprograms the mind for success and positive change, propelling them their desired outcomes with unwavering confidence.

Our Simple Hypnotherapy equips individuals with powerful coping mechanisms and stress-relief techniques, enhancing their ability to navigate obstacles and setbacks gracefully and with composure. This approach instils a profound sense of self-belief and enablement, enabling them to confront challenges head-on and emerge victorious, ready to welcome new opportunities and experiences.

Empowerment with Hypnotherapy Training

Experience the transformative power of hypnotherapy training with our simple approach. Our program is designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to harness the potential of hypnosis and pain relief for personal growth and positive change.

Enhanced Expertise with Hypnotherapy Diploma

Elevate your expertise and credibility in the field of hypnotherapy with our comprehensive hypnotherapy diploma program. Gain advanced insights and practical experience that will enable you to effectively utilize hypnosis techniques to facilitate lasting transformation in yourself and others.

What to Expect During Our Hypnotherapy Session

Prepare for a comprehensive hypnotherapy experience at Simple Hypnotherapy, starting with an initial consultation to understand your needs, followed by positive suggestions, affirmations, and a reflective awakening to anchor the session’s benefits.

During the initial consultation, the hypnotherapist will listen attentively to your concerns and goals, creating a personalised approach for your session. They may explain the process of inducing a trance-like state using relaxation techniques and suggestions to your objectives.

As the session progresses, you will be guided through deep relaxation to access the subconscious mind, where the power of positive suggestions can evoke change. These affirmations are carefully prepared to reinforce desired behaviours and beliefs.

The awakening phase gently brings you back to full consciousness, allowing you to integrate the benefits of the session into your daily life. Reflecting on the experience helps solidify the positive changes you’ve initiated through hypnotherapy.

Initial Consultation With Our Hypnotherapist

Our therapists will conduct a personalised hypnotherapy plan during the initial consultation to address your exactrequirements and objectives.

The therapist seeks to understand your specialchallenges and aspirations through open dialogue and active listening. This in-depth exploration allows for identifying underlying issues that may be inhibiting progress.

  • This process enables the development of a treatment roadmap that aligns with your preferred pace and comfort level.
  • Goal-setting sessions are vital in establishing clear milestones, enabling you to track progress and celebrate achievements.

Positive Suggestions and Affirmations

Through positive suggestions and affirmations, our hypnotherapy sessions aim to reprogramme your subconscious mind, fostering a mindset of growth, resilience, and positivity to support your personal development and well-being.

Positive suggestions guide your inner beliefs and behaviours to a more constructive path. By channelling affirmations into your subconscious, we enable you to break free from limiting thoughts and establish new enabling patterns. This process creates a strong foundation for lasting transformation as your mind deeply absorbs and internalises these affirmations. As a result, you are better prepared to navigate challenges, boost self-esteem, and develop a sense of inner strength and optimism.

Awakening and Reflection

As you awaken from the hypnotherapy session, take a moment for reflection to internalise the insights gained and integrate the positive changes experienced, setting the stage for continued personal growth and transformation.

Reflecting on your experiences, post-hypnotherapy can offer a more serious understanding of your subconscious mind and the shifts that have taken place within you. Embracing the insights received during the session allows you to develop awareness and implement those revelations in your daily life.

Capitalising on these newfound perspectives opens doors to enhanced personal development and self-awareness. This phase of assimilation and introspection paves the way for long-lasting transformation, guiding you to a more aligned and fulfilling existence.


Simple Hypnotherapy offers benefits through personalised hypnotherapy sessions, customised techniques, and comprehensive support, enabling individuals to achieve mental and physical wellness while fostering personal growth and resilience.

Central to Simple Hypnotherapy’s approach focuses on holistic well-being by addressing each client’s special needs and goals. Specialised hypnosis techniques enable individuals to unlock their potential, overcome challenges, and create lasting positive changes. The expert practitioners at Simple Hypnotherapy provide a nurturing and safe environment for clients to explore deep-rooted issues, develop coping strategies, and develop self-awareness. By integrating mind-body practices, Simple Hypnotherapy aims to guide individuals to a balanced and harmonious state of being. Contact us today to embark on your holistic transformation and unlock your full potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Simple Hypnotherapy, and how can it help me?

Simple Hypnotherapy is a leading hypnotherapy practice in the UK, offering effective and personalised solutions for various issues. Through the power of hypnosis, we help clients overcome challenges such as anxiety, phobias, smoking cessation, weight management, and more. Our goal is to help you achieve positive changes in your life through hypnotherapy.

2. How does hypnotherapy work?

Hypnotherapy works by accessing your subconscious mind, which controls your thoughts, behaviours, and emotions. By guiding you into deep relaxation, our hypnotherapists can communicate directly with your subconscious to help you make desired changes and overcome negative patterns. It is a safe and natural process that can bring about powerful results.

3. Is hypnotherapy safe?

Yes, hypnotherapy is completely safe. Our certified hypnotherapists have undergone comprehensive training and have years of experience in the field. We use proven techniques and adhere to strict ethical standards to ensure the safety and well-being of our clients. You are always in control during the session and can come out of hypnosis anytime.

4. What can I expect during a hypnotherapy session?

During a hypnotherapy session, you can expect to be guided into deep relaxation. Your therapist will then use various techniques to communicate with your subconscious mind and help you make positive changes. Each session is created to your exact needs and goals, and you may feel more calm, focused and empowered after each session.

5. How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions depends on your individual needs and goals. Some clients may see results after just one session, while others may require multiple sessions to achieve their desired outcome. Our hypnotherapists will work with you to determine the best treatment plan for your situation.

6. What makes Simple Hypnotherapy the leading practice in the UK?

At Simple Hypnotherapy, we pride ourselves on our personalised approach and dedication to helping our clients achieve lasting change. Our highly experienced certified hypnotherapists team continuously updates its skills and knowledge to provide the best possible service. We also offer a range of online resources and support to help our clients maintain their progress beyond the sessions. With a high success rate and satisfied clients, we are confident in our ability to help you reach your goals.

Client reviews

Emily Johnson


"SimpleHypnotherapy has been a game-changer for me. Their personalized sessions helped me overcome my anxiety and regain control of my life. I'm forever grateful for their expertise and support."

Michael Brown


"I was skeptical regarding hypnotherapy at first, but SimpleHypnotherapy proved me wrong. Their sessions were incredibly effective in helping me manage stress and improve my overall mental health. Highly recommend their services!"

David Thompson


"SimpleHypnotherapy exceeded my expectations. Their compassionate approach and sessions made me feel comfortable and supported throughout the process. I've seen marked improvements in my confidence and self-esteem. Thank you!"